Aary Moreno

Junior Account Manager

Articles by 

Aary Moreno

Ya Está Aquí El Black Friday de Amazon 2023

Está por iniciar uno de los eventos más esperado por todos: el Black Friday de Amazon, una gran oportunidad para encontrar las mejores ofertas en todas las categorías del marketplace y que puedes aprovechar al máximo para subir las ventas de tus productos en la plataforma.

June 20, 2024

Dendary se Incorpora 100% a MioGroup

MioGroup completa la compra de Dendary, agencia especializada en Amazon, con el objetivo de continuar su plan estratégico de crecimiento, ampliando su oferta de servicios y su presencia geográfica a nivel internacional, convirtiéndola así, en la agencia especialista en marketplaces del holding.

November 13, 2023

Amazon Prime Day, Black Friday and more Amazon Events 2023

We are halfway through the year and it's time to get to know the following Amazon offers and promotions for 2023. Learn about the events, dates and how to participate with your products, along with recommendations that will help you prepare properly to take advantage of events such as a second Prime Day (the most acclaimed by Prime users) or the end-of-year winter offers, all to grow your business in the world's leading online marketplace.

September 11, 2023

Welcome Prime Day 2023

Summer is here, and so is one of the most awaited dates of the promotional season of the Amazon marketplace: Prime Day 2023, a day of exclusive offers for Prime customers that you, as a brand, cannot miss. In this article we tell you what Prime Day is, its benefits and how to participate with your products.

July 7, 2023

Amazon Vine: The Amazon Influencer Program You Should Know About.

The competition to appear in the top positions of Amazon is strong, with so many options offered by the market, keeping yourself in the consumer's mind becomes complicated, so we will tell you about Amazon Vine, what it is and how to be part of this marketing tool, to connect with a select group of users with reliable opinions, which will be heard by others and that yes or yes, they will be hooked to your product.

April 21, 2023