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Amazon Vine: The Amazon Influencer Program You Should Know About.

The competition to appear in the top positions of Amazon is strong, with so many options offered by the market, keeping yourself in the consumer's mind becomes complicated, so we will tell you about Amazon Vine, what it is and how to be part of this marketing tool, to connect with a select group of users with reliable opinions, which will be heard by others and that yes or yes, they will be hooked to your product.

We already know that Amazon is the ideal platform to sell and distribute your products to many parts of the world and that every day it generates millions in sales, but in marketing language this can translate into a lot of competition, and yes, the struggle to reach the top positions of the marketplace is real, so if you were wondering how to position yourself on Amazon, we are going to give you a couple of tools that can help you achieve it.

With more than 2 million visitors per month, the amount of reviews generated is immense, serving as a guide among users with comments and ratings that will make them decide whether or not to buy a product, more than any image.

This will be the key to positioning yourself organically in the marketplace: Amazon reviews. Remember that only customers who have purchased a product on the platform can leave comments, opinions and ratings. Their rating will go under a score of one to five stars, their comments will be quite real (although we know that any troll could appear), and they will surely detail their purchase process with your product if something goes wrong, so we recommend to always be attentive to everything your customers say.

Before going into the main topic of this article, it is important to keep in mind that a fundamental part of retaining the attention of a buyer in your marketplace is having it updated and well worked, with a clear and concise description of your product with all its benefits, striking and high quality images, the use of keywords that help the user to find you easier in the search engine, or having a good logistical distribution plan. This will transmit confidence to the user in your brand and your product, therefore, he will continue with the purchase process.

Now let' s talk about Amazon Vine, an Amazon review program, which works by invitation, selecting the most active users of the platform, whose comments and ratings are honest, objective and useful, with enough insight to stand out among other users. These selected users are rewarded on the platform by having the unique opportunity to order products free of charge and write reviews describing the shopping experience, inviting more users to purchase them. This is where the marketing strategy for your company comes in.

With this program you can have a great opportunity for growth and positioning in the marketplace; the more people talk about your product, especially from the hand of a Vine customer, the more easily you will generate prospective customers who will be more sure of you in their next purchase.

Las reseñas de un <<Voces Vine >> aparecen en la misma sección de comentarios que las demás, pero se diferenciarán por el distintivo especial “Reseña de cliente de Vine sobre producto gratuito” que al tener esta característica, son comentarios que se posicionan en los primeros lugares (recordando que los comentarios también tienen sus propias interacciones de otros usuarios). Con este programa, Amazon quiere asegurar que sus productos resulten fiables, gustando a una comunidad de autores de reseñas, y dando a las marcas la oportunidad de conocer y mejorar las preferencias del público, desarrollando alternativas de crecimiento para tu negocio.

How to Enroll in the Amazon Vine Program?‍

Despite having a cost for the company that acquires it, it should not have lucrative benefits for the Vine customer, so Amazon will be the intermediary between the product and the user, distributing them directly to the customer so they can generate an unbiased review, which will translate into leads for your product, i.e. sales opportunities.

To sign up for the Amazon Vine program you can sign up directly from Seller Central >> Listings. Once registration is complete you will need to make your products available so that Vine Voices can start buying and talking about them.

These are some of the requirements for using Amazon Vine:

  • Be associated with and own a registered trademark in the Amazon Brand Registry
  • Have a Seller account, which allows you access to the management and control of sales.
  • Use the FBA logistics for the distribution of your products.
  • To have sufficient inventory to cover orders.
  • Have less than 30 reviews on your product to promote.
  • Offer new products in good condition.
  • Have the product files optimized with images and descriptions in the marketplace.
  • The product must have been launched prior to enrollment in the program.
  • Restricted category products may not be offered

We already see that there are many advantages to using Amazon Vine, getting reviews and ratings faster, detailed, objective and with the power of influence to encourage more users to purchase your product, increasing your conversion rate thanks to the reliability of the Vine Voices. All this, improves the positioning of your product in the marketplace placing it in the top positions of your category, after all, this detail is what Amazon's A9 algorithm likes the most.

If you are interested in acquiring the Amazon Vine program or you prefer to use specific and customized strategies to increase your sales on Amazon, Dendary offers you personalized advice with action plans to boost your marketplace and sell big. Contact us and we will help you achieve your goals.

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