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Welcome Prime Day 2023

Summer is here, and so is one of the most awaited dates of the promotional season of the Amazon marketplace: Prime Day 2023, a day of exclusive offers for Prime customers that you, as a brand, cannot miss. In this article we tell you what Prime Day is, its benefits and how to participate with your products.

An exquisite date for Prime users of the platform is undoubtedly Prime Day. Two full days of promotions to celebrate those loyal users who pay monthly to have benefits such as free shipping in 24 hours, Prime Now shipments, membership to a great content of series and movies in Prime Video, save photos in the cloud Prime Photos, access to the Kindle Prime digital library, listen to your favorite songs in Prime Music, in short, access to all the additional services of the marketplace.

More than 200 million Amazon users have Prime membership in 25 countries around the world, which demonstrates a huge loyalty of buyers with the platform, which is why the big marketplace thanks these users with exclusive offers for them.

This year Prime Day is celebrated on July 11 and 12 and is a great opportunity to reach exclusive Amazon users with your products, offering them promotions, offers and more strategies to connect with these buyers while generating sales margin.

What is Amazon Prime Day?

The first Prime Day celebration was in July 2015, commemorating the twentieth anniversary of the platform, and since that time, annually only Prime users enjoy 48 hours of great discounts in different categories such as technology, home, fashion, accessories, gaming, food and beverages, in short, all categories offered by the platform.

The platform works on the success of the event throughout the year, making sure to offer the best products from each company and improving the user experience with offer newsletters in Prime Insider, personalized recommendations or real-time notifications from Alexa . Combining competitive offers with an optimal shopping experience is the perfect formula for maintaining user loyalty and paying off in the long term.

Here are some facts about Prime Day 2022:

  • It was the largest Prime Day event in history selling over 300 million items worldwide.
  • Prime members saved more than $1.7 billion, more than in any previous event.
  • The largest sellers were small and medium-sized companies, generating sales of more than US$3 billion on more than 100 million products.
  • Technology products were the most popular among users, followed by baby and household products. Clothing and accessories were not to be missed either, occupying the third place among the most sold products.

Now, let's get to the interesting part of this article....

How to participate in Prime Day 2023?

No matter the size of your company or the products you offer, if you use the Amazon marketplace to sell your products either in Vendor or Seller profile, you can be part of this great event, but yes, it takes some preparation for your reach to be optimal and make the most of it. Here are some recommendations:

  • Prepare the Offers and Promotions:

This requires you to change your usual selling prices, planning different pricing strategies that of course do not affect your cost margin. Create eye-catching promotions such as discounts, coupons, flash offers, and more. Set your objectives, budgets and KPIs for measurement.

  • Update your Stock:‍

Stock your inventory of products so that your ability to react to the many possible orders that come in can be delivered by fulfilling the Prime benefits of delivery logistics. Remember that this is an opportunity to connect with first-time buyers who are already accustomed to a good shopping experience, and who might buy from you again outside of Prime Day.

  • Optimize Your Products:

Make sure you have high quality images, promotional videos, eye-catching and direct titles, bullet points with relevant and varied information about your product, product descriptions with all the details of your product and brand, keywords that benefit your positioning and all your product cards updated. 

Here's an extra tip: Use Amazon's advertising console and create Stores for your brands and update them with special content promoting your Prime Day deals, generating visibility and possible sales closings.

  • Adapt your International Market:

During Prime Day your products reach many markets, giving you the opportunity to grow internationally and if this interests you, creating marketplaces in several countries can be a good option. Keep in mind that you should do it with time to ensure that the process is completed and shows all your products properly. 

Ensure that your products are displayed with the correct language translations and according to each country you offer products to. Not all countries share the same metric systems, VATs and currencies or special shipping costs, it is important to be aware of these details.

  • Use Amazon Marketing Tools:

Prime Day involves preparation, organization and skill of the entire team, it is a day of high traffic and you have to be prepared to answer user messages, prepare promotions, make price changes, manage deliveries and returns as well as stocking stock. 

If you prepare a budget for Amazon Ad Campaigns you can offer your products during and after the event.

‍By the way, at Dendary we manage your marketplace. We offer consulting, Brand Content strategies and SEO positioning in Amazon's search engine, in addition to boosting your windows with advertising campaigns on the platform. We help you create marketing strategies that reach potential customers during Prime Day or 365 days a year. How can we help you?

  • Manage and Track Your Orders:

Once you make sure your stock is well stocked, you must follow up on orders and make sure everything is running smoothly. Solve problems with Amazon shipments or answer customer questions.

  • Communicate with your customers:

Part of your success during the celebration will be thanks to the connection you gain with the customer and it is achieved with small details such as answering any questions about the product in a short time, which will ensure that they will finish resolving their doubts and make the purchase.

‍Withthese details you also win over Amazon, which requires its sellers to answer 90% of their messages in less than 24 hours, including holidays and weekends.

  • Top it off with the Post-Sale:

When Prime Day 2023 ends, your time to shine is not over, because 53% of last year's shoppers said they returned to shop the day after the celebration. With this figure you can continue to increase the impact to your target audience by being able to create cross-sales, extension of offers and promotions, additional sales and more options apart from continuing to use Amazon Ad Campaigns. 

It is very important that all these buyers help you to position yourself organically in the Amazon search engine with reviews and ratings. The platform asks for it automatically after receiving the product but it is not a bad idea to follow up a few weeks later and ensure marketing objectives and Top Of Mind.


As you have already read, Prime Day is one of Amazon's big celebrations, fundamental to keep close to its users who annually or monthly pay for additional services that bring them savings and more benefits than the rest of users. 

Having clear objectives of what you want to achieve on Prime Day 2023 is the most important thing, as well as knowing how to use strategies and tools so that this celebration benefits you in terms of sales, brand recognition, product positioning, leads and future purchases.

Data Source: "Prime Day 2022 Best Selling Products" - Amazon Ads

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