
Digital Clotheslines

"As a result of Covid, many physical businesses have had to close and others have had to reinvent themselves and look for new online sales channels".

The first time I heard the expression "Digital Shopkeeper" was in 2010 while I was studying the Master Internet Business at ISDI. Aquilino Peña was teaching us in the e-commerce module. Aquilino conveyed fantastically well that to sell online you have to have the spirit of a classic shopkeeper and take care of the details. Know your customer and offer them what they need at all times.

The formula is well known but not so easy to execute. That is why there is only one Amazon and one Inditex. Companies that have taken customer service to the extreme.

In the wake of Covid, many physical businesses have had to close and others have had to reinvent themselves and look for new online sales channels. Good old-fashioned shopkeepers now need to understand the language and tools to sell online.

Seeing this trend on the horizon, a year and a half ago we created Dendary. A Digital Marketing Agency specialised in Amazon. We help companies all over Europe to sell on Amazon. We want to be your digital shopkeeper. Not in vain, our name comes from "dendari" which means shopkeeper.

If you need a digital shopkeeper to sell your products on Amazon please contact us.

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