
A+ content, when more is more.

In a marketplace like Amazon, where all kinds of brands abound and competition is fiercer than on Tinder.

In a market like Amazon, where all kinds of brands abound and competition is fiercer than on Tinder, differentiation is one of the keys to seduce and attract customers.

For this reason, the platform provides an option to favour the personalisation of content and thus improve its quality. We are referring to A+ Content, which, through adaptable templates, allows you to tell the brand's story, include enhanced images and additional blocks of text.
All this provides more visual and eye-catching information, making both the brand and the product more desirable and motivating cross-selling. This takes the quality of the cards a step further to capture the interest of consumers, increase awareness and traffic and of course, give a push to close the sale.

But success does not only depend on the quantity of information or visual content. Like everything else in life, it is also based on consistency and quality. So here are some recommendations on how to achieve eye-catching content, without falling into saturation.
A+ Content, also called Rich Content, is divided into modules. It is clear that the first module should include something so obvious that it can be overlooked: the logo.

Afterwards, you have to present the product in an attractive and different way, describing its most important features. This is the moment to show off your photographic finery and show off.

We can also include a set of images together with small texts to highlight relevant and diverse information.

Amazon A+ Content allows you to add tables with a breakdown of information by product type, so you can see at a glance the main features and possibilities of the products.

This chart also encourages the purchase of more products, thus increasing the average purchase ticket. The chart allows a maximum of six products.

This is just one example of the possibilities offered by A+ content, but you can also add instructions for use, recommendations, benefits or differences compared to similar products from competitors, without specifying a particular competitor's brand.
Although there is plenty of room for imagination, a simple trick to know what to include is to think about the most common questions customers ask about products.
A+ content, along with the Stores, is one of the best assets for brands to improve both branding and conversions. And if you're up for it, at Dendary our designers will work to advise you and offer you the rich content that best represents your brand. Give a boost to your conversions and show the best version of your business!

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