
B2B + B2C

"B2B companies that want to start doing B2C".

In today's video I introduce you to the two main options for B2B companies that want to start doing B2C. This is a trend we see every day from Dendary and it makes a lot of sense. Never before has it been so easy to reach the end customer directly.

If you are a company that has historically distributed to the channel and you are thinking of going B2C you have two options:

  1. The first is to create an e-commerce. For this you will have to invest in the e-commerce platform of your choice, use a payment gateway, hire a logistics operator, but above all you will have to attract traffic. In fact, the complicated part of the matter is not to create the e-commerce, it is to generate traffic and fill it with little people :-). For this you will have to invest in Outbound Channels like Google and Facebook, for example, and work on Inbound channels like SEO, content, Social Media, etc,
  2. The other option is to use one of the Marketplaces that the market offers such as Amazon or AliExpress. This option also has a cost. Amazon takes an average of 15% and AliExpress between 5% and 8%. But they offer a comprehensive service that will allow you to: export in a very simple way, have integrated logistics, in the case of Amazon, and above all they offer platforms with many users and a high conversion rate. Of course, if you want to have a lot of visibility you will also have to invest in advertising within the Marketplace.

Both options are viable and can be used together. But for a B2B company starting to do B2C, in my point of view, it is much easier to start selling on Amazon than creating your own e-commerce.

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