
Prepare the strategy for your seasonal products within Amazon

Knowing how to position your products according to the season and Amazon events will depend on the anticipation of your strategy. What factors do you have to take into account?

What are seasonal products?

By definition, seasonal or temporary products are those products that experience an increase in demand at specific times of the year.

We can distinguish two types of seasonalities: generic seasonalities, where we find times of the year such as summer, winter, Halloween or Christmas, and more specific seasonalities, which are usually of shorter duration and may vary between countries or regions, such as Easter or Epiphany in Spain.

For both cases it is important to have precise strategies to take advantage of these demand peaks for sales within Amazon.

Every online retailer, whether within a Marketplace or within an E-commerce company, must take into account the importance of anticipating these periods of increased demand in order to manage stock levels and coordinate the upcoming returns that will surely increase.

For this reason, we tell you what strategies you should implement prior to these seasonal periods.

2. Strategies to consider when selling on Amazon during seasonal periods:

Positioning your products in the first search results on Amazon is one of the main objectives for any seller on this platform. Therefore, the creation of a new "Listing" or product page must be done with a lot of patience, experience and dedication. However, it is not only about creating a good Listing, but also its constant optimization of "keywords" or key words is fundamental for its good positioning.

Seasonal times not only increase the volume of user traffic within Amazon, but there is also a change in the way users search for products in the search bar. For example, in summer, users will search more for sunglasses with phrases such as "sunglasses for summer", words related to the time of year will be added in their search phrases. Therefore, you should keep these new keywords in mind to add them in your optimizations prior to these seasonal seasons

If your product is not very seasonal and on the contrary is more stable, you can also take advantage of the great demand that exists during seasonal periods and adapt your product card to these periods. For example, if you are a jewelry retailer, you will probably have to position keywords such as "jewelry for Christmas gifts" during the Christmas season.

On the other hand, during these seasonal seasons the offer of sellers within Amazon also grows, and competitors will arrive with lower prices. Therefore, it is important that you also make some changes within the title or bullets of your file highlighting the added value of your product in order to differentiate yourself from the competition and avoid being affected by the lower prices that you can not fight. 

If you invest in advertising within Amazon, you should also have good campaign strategies prior to the seasonal periods, adding keywords to your ads that are related to these periods of the year in order to boost your sales even more.

In addition to taking advantage of seasonal periods by implementing effective optimizations in your Lisitngs, it is advisable to plan your inventory several weeks in advance, since international sales by sea, for example, often take several months.

It is also recommended to be careful when sending stock to Amazon, since after these seasonal seasons there is usually a decrease in sales of the product and in case of having overstock on Amazon it will be more difficult to get rid of these products. And remember that, after 6 months of storage, your rate increases considerably.

If you want to find out more about this topic or the world of Amazon, do not hesitate to contact us through our website

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